maandag 17 augustus 2009

Agriculture 2.0 - Stadslandbouw als investeringskans

Via de uiterst interessante Doors of Perception Mailinglist van John Thackara (meld je hier aan) werden we geattendeerd op een bijeenkomst op 17 september in NewYork waar duurzame agrarisch ondernemers worden voorgesteld aan potentiele investeerders. Onder de uitverkoren start-ups 'urban farmers' als SPIN-Farming en BrightFarm Systems.
Uit de nieuwsbrief van Thackara:
Emergency appeals are not a long-term solution to Mud Baron's situation - nor to myriad other social programmes for which government funding is collapsing. In the US, a first response has been to start a business to fill the gap. A September event in New York, Agriculture 2.0, will introduce alternative agriculture entrepreneurs to investors. Organizer Roxanne Christensen (medeoprichter van SPIN-Farming, PdG) says innovators are developing profitable models for sustainable alternatives to industrial agriculture that "can help create a post-industrial food system that is less resource intensive, more locally-based, and easier to monitor and control". The perkily-named start-ups include BrightFarm Systems, SPIN-Farming, Virtually Green, Aquacopia, NewSeed Advisors.
17 September, New York City.

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